# API-Explorer
You can test and play around with the [API-Explorer](https://api.webfan.de/apps/swagger-ui/#/captcha)
# About dm-captcha
## Goals
Trying to build a service similar to [googles recaptcha](https://developers.google.com/recaptcha) while...
* implementing [Daniel Marschalls Challenge](https://github.com/danielmarschall/php_clientchallenge).
* using [Webfan API](https://api.webfan.de/)
* using [Frdlweb.js](https://cdn.startdir.de/)
* *optionally* using [Webfan Webfat Components](#components)
* avoid any *Finde alle Wörter mit Ü und baue daraus ein Müsli um zu beweisen das du kein Mensch bist.*
# Registration
* [Create an app](https://api.webfan.de/apps/developer/#!/account/app) with the scope -captcha- included.
* Get the [key and secret](https://api.webfan.de/apps/developer/#!/account/app) of your app.