DM-CaptchaCheck if a visitor is a robot or human

About | Documentation | Demo

## Approach 1 (auto/form-field):
Input anything:
## Approach 2 (programmatically/callback): @ToDo Input anything:
# API-Explorer You can test and play around with the [API-Explorer](
# About dm-captcha ## Goals Trying to build a service similar to [googles recaptcha]( while... * implementing [Daniel Marschalls Challenge]( * using [Webfan API]( * using [Frdlweb.js]( * *optionally* using [Webfan Webfat Components](#components) * avoid any *Finde alle Wörter mit Ü und baue daraus ein Müsli um zu beweisen das du kein Mensch bist.*
# Registration * [Create an app](!/account/app) with the scope -captcha- included. * Get the [key and secret](!/account/app) of your app.


DM-Captcha API Component PHP Code ( @Component @Module display-auto.php )
<form><component src="module:@frdl/dm-captcha/display-auto" webfan-app-key="XXX_YOUR_APP_KEY_XXX" fieldname="your_fieldname_validation_code" complex="50000" webfan-api-action="action_captcha" invisible /></form>
DM-Captcha API Component HTML Code ( @Component @Module display-auto.js )
<?php <!DOCTYPE html>
<html><body><form><input type="hidden" webfan-app-key="XXX_YOUR_APP_KEY_XXX" webfan-api-component="@frdl/dm-captcha/display-auto" fieldname="your_fieldname_validation_code" complex="50000" webfan-api-action="action_captcha" required invisible></form></body></html>
Validation example ( PHP )
<?php $client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
    $reply = $client->post('', 
                                 'secret' => $API_SECRET_EXAMPLE,                
                                 'code' => $_POST[$filedname],                
    $validationResult = json_decode( (string) $reply->getBody() );
    $valid = true === $validationResult->valid ? true : false;
Complete example ( this file )
<?php <?php
namespace Runtime\r1234567890;


$keys = require __DIR__.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'config.keys.php';
$API_KEY = $keys['key'];
$API_SECRET = $keys['secret'];

$templatefile = __DIR__.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'index.html';
$filedname = 'your_fieldname_validation_code';

$captchaCode = '<form><component src="module:@frdl/dm-captcha/display-auto" webfan-app-key="'.$API_KEY_EXAMPLE.'" fieldname="'.$filedname.'" complex="50000" webfan-api-action="action_captcha" invisible /></form>';

$code4 = highlightText(file_get_contents(__FILE__));

require __DIR__.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'index.php';
$StubRunner-> autoloading();
$Flash = new \frdl\Flash();

//   $Engine=new \Webfan\Engine; 

 // For productional final apps:
 //  $Engine->load(\Webfan\DescriptorType::WebApp, $StubRunner-> getStubVM()); 

   $App = new \Webfan\AppLauncherWebfatInstaller($StubRunner);

 require $templatefile;
 $response = ob_get_clean();

$message = '';

 $message.='You typed in: '.secmail($_POST['anything']);
 $message.='<br />'.'Challenge calculated code: '.$_POST[$filedname];

    $client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
    $reply = $client->post('', 
                                 'secret' => $API_SECRET,                
                                 'code' => $_POST[$filedname],                
    $validationResult = json_decode( (string) $reply->getBody() );
    $valid = true === $validationResult->valid ? true : false;
    $message.='<br />';
    $message.=(true === $valid ? '<h1>Captcha: OK</h1>' : '<h1>Captcha: ERROR</h1>')
        .'<br />'.'Validation result (from API Server): '.print_r($validationResult,true);
    $flashMethod = true === $valid ? 'success' : 'error'; 
    $Flash->{$flashMethod}( $message );

$code = secmail('<component src="module:@frdl/flash" clear="true" types="*"></component>');

<legend>Flashmessages Component PHP:</legend>

$code = secmail($captchaCode);
$code2 =  highlightText($App->Document->compile($captchaCode), 'html');

$code3 =  highlightText(<<<PHPCODE
    \$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
    \$reply = \$client->post('', 
                                 'secret' => \$API_SECRET_EXAMPLE,                
                                 'code' => \$_POST[\$filedname],                
    \$validationResult = json_decode( (string) \$reply->getBody() );
    \$valid = true === \$validationResult->valid ? true : false;
, 'php');

  DM-Captcha API Component PHP Code 
    ( <a href="" target="_blank">@Component @Module display-auto.php</a> )

  DM-Captcha API Component HTML Code
   ( <a href="" target="_blank">@Component @Module display-auto.js</a> )    </small>


  Validation example
   ( PHP )    </small>


  Complete example
   ( this file )    </small>


            $response2 = $App->getContainer()->get('response');
            $response =  $response2->withBody(\GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Utils::streamFor($response));        

           $ConentType = $App->getResponseHeader('Content-Type', $response);
        if(false === $ConentType || 'text/html' === $ConentType){
          $contents = (string) $response->getBody(); 
          $contents =  $App->Document->compile($contents);
          $response =  $response->withBody(\GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Utils::streamFor($contents));

  (new \Laminas\HttpHandlerRunner\Emitter\SapiEmitter)->emit($response);

//SCHLUSS / return

    function secmail($emailaddress){
        $email= $emailaddress;           
        $length = strlen($email);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++){
            $obfuscatedEmail .= "&#" . \ord($email[$i]).";";
        return $obfuscatedEmail;

function highlightText($text, $fileExt="")
    if ($fileExt == "php")
        ini_set("highlight.comment", "#008000");
        ini_set("highlight.default", "#000000");
        ini_set("highlight.html", "#808080");
        ini_set("highlight.keyword", "#0000BB; font-weight: bold");
        ini_set("highlight.string", "#DD0000");
    else if ($fileExt == "html")
        ini_set("highlight.comment", "green");
        ini_set("highlight.default", "#CC0000");
        ini_set("highlight.html", "#000000");
        ini_set("highlight.keyword", "black; font-weight: bold");
        ini_set("highlight.string", "#0000FF");
    // ...

    $text = trim($text);
    $text = highlight_string("<?php " . $text, true);  // highlight_string() requires opening PHP tag or otherwise it will not colorize the text
    $text = trim($text);
    $text = preg_replace("|^\\<code\\>\\<span style\\=\"color\\: #[a-fA-F0-9]{0,6}\"\\>|", "", $text, 1);  // remove prefix
    $text = preg_replace("|\\</code\\>\$|", "", $text, 1);  // remove suffix 1
    $text = trim($text);  // remove line breaks
    $text = preg_replace("|\\</span\\>\$|", "", $text, 1);  // remove suffix 2
    $text = trim($text);  // remove line breaks
    $text = preg_replace("|^(\\<span style\\=\"color\\: #[a-fA-F0-9]{0,6}\"\\>)(&lt;\\?php&nbsp;)(.*?)(\\</span\\>)|", "\$1\$3\$4", $text);  // remove custom added "<?php "

    return $text;

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